September 7 to 8, 2023

8th Annual California Water Data Summit

Bringing together individuals from water agencies, research teams, and other areas of the water sector, the CA Water Data Summit aims to encourage collaboration and provide opportunities for members of different organizations to interact and engage with new ideas and approaches to water data.

About the Event

Whether you are a water professional, an elected leader, a researcher, a student, or beyond, you will find something valuable and inspiring at the CA Water Data Summit. Don’t miss this chance to be part of the conversation and the community that is shaping the future of water data in California.

Key Topics

Artificial Intelligence, Infrastructure and Technology, Global Perspective on Data to Drive Policy and Equitable Water Systems, Groundwater Management Software and Tools, Water Supply Forecasting and Benchmarking, Creating a Data Savvy Workforce, Advancing Automated Meter Infrastructure, Roundtable Workshop with SWAN and more! Check out the agenda.


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